Ellenkay Gold’s most advanced project is its exploration permit Mt Clark West (EPM 26008) in Central Queensland. Australia. The EPM is an area of 6 sub blocks, a size of approximately 20 km2, located 21km NNW of the township of Nebo. To the north east 13km away is the historical gold mining town of Mount Britton.
Ellenkay Gold acquired the ground after a detailed review of the previous EPM holder’s data. The data included details of a large magnetic anomaly and a comprehensive geochemical multi element soil sampling program of 665 samples. After detailed analysis of the soil sampling results, it became apparent that there were a number of statistically anomalous results for both copper and molybdenum. Contours of both the copper and molybdenum anomalies indicated contiguous areas at elevated values, most importantly the contoured areas were coincident with the magnetic anomaly. Further analyses indicated that other mineral elements were ‘zoning’ which is characteristic of porphyry style deposits. To date rock chipping and preliminary mapping has indicated potential hydrothermal alteration that further supports the potential for a porphyry style deposit.
The corridor from Nebo to Collinsville east of the Bowen Basin has been recognized as a region with the potential for porphyry style deposits. A number of known occurrences have been explored and continued to be explored. All of the known occurrences are outcropping at surface whereas Mt Clark West is a blind deposit with no significant outcropping mineralization.
It is expected that detailed mapping and infill geochemical soil sampling will be the first priority to define the most appropriate location for an Induced Polarization (IP) survey. The intent of the IP survey will be to define drilling targets. Initially it is expected to evaluate the drill targets with reverse circulation (RC) drilling. Based on success then move to diamond drilling.
Ellenkay Gold also continues to actively review mineral exploration opportunities within Queensland. Although there are many targets, Ellenkay Gold is focussing on base metals, particularly copper. Copper is seen as a commodity that will remain in great demand into the future for the both developed nations and the developing world.